Senior Minister (Vicar and Arch Deacon): Reverend Bruce Bickerdike
The Venerable Bruce Bickerdike
Bruce Bickerdike has been the Vicar at South Croydon Anglican Church since 2006. He was the Area Dean from 2008 to 2020, and was recently appointed Archdeacon of Maroondah.
From an early age, Bruce was taught how to trust Jesus which gradually developed into an adult owning of a personal trust in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. He grew up in a Christian family, mostly in Geelong, and his Christian growth was nurtured at St Matthews East Geelong, Scripture Union camps and by many faithful preachers at Belgrave Heights Conventions over the years.
Bruce studied Sociology, History and Education at La Trobe University, which is where he met his wife (Heather) through the Christian Union. He began his working life as a primary and post-primary teacher in the Northern Territory at Lajamanu (Hooker creek), an Aboriginal community. After theological study at Ridley College, Heather and Bruce, with their three children, moved to Pukatja (Ernabella) in the Pitjantjatjara Lands in South Australia. For five years his role was to support and train the Pitjantjatjara Church Elders and Ministers. On returning to Melbourne he combined Parish ministry with teaching a range of subjects at Tabor College (now Eastern College) including Church and Australian Society, Introduction to Theology and Christology. He also taught at St Andrews Hall, the Church Missionary Society training college.
Bruce is passionate about teaching, preaching and pastoral ministry, and is committed to helping the local church become a welcoming community which shows God’s love amongst its members and to the wider community. Our Diocese has a great vision, ‘to make the word of God fully known'. This is based on Colossians 1:28, ‘He [Christ] is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.’
In his spare time, Bruce enjoys bushwalking, woodwork and looking after his bees and fruit trees. Heather and Bruce have many mutual interests including walking, gardening, spending time with extended family, and trying to maintain a sustainable and simple lifestyle.
Honorary Parish Administrator: Joy Gow
Joy Gow
Joy works part time in the office in the role of Parish Administrator.
"I've enjoyed my time as Parish Administrator since 1987 and was an employee for part of that time but now work as a volunteer."